The CRA E-Transfer Scam
The intention of today’s post is to provide some information to protect you from fraudsters.
Please be aware that all commentary in my blog is designed to promote discourse on a variety of topics. Though I certainly do some research on the topics discussed and often offer my "two-cents", please keep in mind that nothing I say in this blog is meant to be taken as authoritative on any subject. My comments are really just me exercising my freedom of expression for the purpose of offering some insight on topics related to the practice of criminal law. As with all topics of discussion, it is important for you to be critical. If you need a defence lawyer, please call 403.452.8018 for a free telephone consultation or consult with an experienced Calgary criminal lawyer. Happy reading! Happy watching!
The intention of today’s post is to provide some information to protect you from fraudsters.
Any regular reader of this blog knows that I spend a fair amount of time criticizing the Calgary Police Service and other law enforcement agencies.
The concept of civil liberty means a great deal to me, and not just because I am a Calgary defence lawyer.
Let me start by saying how ridiculous it is that what is apparently the greatest legal crisis facing Calgary today centers around a ride sharing app.
Warning: this is my second post in as many weeks where I profess my agreement with a law enforcement agency.
I promise, when the Calgary Police—and the Calgary powers-that-be who hold the purse strings—finally start doing their jobs in a way that serves the long-term best interests of the Calgary…
The main role of the government, as I see it, is to ensure we have freedom—to make sure that we can live the way we want to live without interference…
I'm not always enamored by the Calgary Herald or its headlines and apparent opinions, especially when it comes to the Calgary Police and the overall legal and criminal justice landscape…
When you've been arrested by the Calgary Police or charged with a crime in the Calgary courts, your world has been suddenly thrust into chaos.
In a bid to join the mobile wave and help make Calgary safer, the Calgary Police have released an app to give citizens and visitors a better way to access…
This is Part 3 of an ongoing article series describing criminal defence law in Calgary, and what you can expect as your defence case progresses.
After reporting the potential sale of stolen goods in the lane behind his house, a Calgary senior citizen was reportedly pulled from his truck, bitten by a Calgary Police Service…
In Part 1 of this article, we learned that a Calgary criminal defence lawyer's job is about protecting everyone's rights after they've been accused of a crime, not necessarily criminal…
Criminal defence lawyers and police officers, in Calgary and throughout the world, are often depicted as standing opposed to each other.
Understanding the job of a Calgary criminal defence lawyer is easier said than done.
Impaired driving charges or DUIs remain one of the most common offences in the Calgary area, with more than a thousand DUI charges brought each year just by the Calgary…
A local Calgary retailer thinks it's caught a criminal and decided to play detective and prosecutor all at once.
Last week, Nebraska's legislature passed a law abolishing the death penalty, overriding a veto by the governor of that state and ensuring that the ten people currently on "death row"…
Canada has not executed a prisoner for over fifty years, and the death penalty has been abolished for almost all crimes in Canada since 1976 (with the last few remaining…
Most people in Calgary will go their entire lives without being accused of a real crime, not counting minor traffic infractions.
Bill C-51, the controversial "anti-terror" legislation that many Calgarians and Canadians see as a severe encroachment on the privacy and civil liberties of the nation's citizens and guests, recently passed…
Having recently passed the House of Commons by a huge margin, the innocuous-sounding Bill C-51 seems almost guaranteed to be voted into law, and the result could be the diminishment…
In an article posted last week, I explained the basic differences between a Calgary DUI charge resulting in administrative penalties, and the more serious criminal penalties that cam come with…