Calgary Criminal Lawyers


(403) 452-8018

Some Cases handled by Calgary Criminal Lawyer, David Chow

Cases presented here are only some of the cases handled by David Chow. All cases use lettering to protect the identity of the client for solicitor-client privilege purposes. The case lettering does not necessarily reflect the client's actual initials.  David has successfully defended many clients not represented here. Case results are updated periodically and thus are not necessarily up-to-date.   

A good reason to review the posted cases handled by David Chow is to learn some legal principles about an actual case and how that particular case was handled.

R. v. K.D.B.

(Calgary, P. C. ).   KB was charged on multiple informations with a plethora of offences, including assault, possession of crystal meth, breaching bail conditions, trespassing and uttering threats.

R. v. C.J.J.

(Whitecourt, P. C. ). This was an interesting trial with several Constitutional issues at play.

R. v. A.M.

(Calgary, P. C. ). AM was charged with domestic assault, assaulting a police officer, resisting arrest and failing to attend Court.

R. v. J.D.K.

(Calgary, P. C. ). JDK's case is another example where the Crown was prepared to appropriately exercise its discretion in the public interests.

R. v. M.M.

(Calgary, P. C. ).   Allegations of domestic violence in Calgary occur on a spectrum from relatively minor to very serious.

R. v. B.A.

(Calgary, Q. B. ).   BA was professionally and strongly prosecuted for possession for the purpose of trafficking cocaine and unlawful possession of a loaded, restricted firearm.

R. v. EM.L.

(Calgary, P. C. ).   EM. L was charged with mischief to property in a domestic situation.

R. v. L.B.C.

(Calgary, P. C. ).   Sometimes cases are hard and sometimes they are easier.

R. v. A.H.J

(Whitehorse, P. C. ).   A. H. J. was charged with possession for the purpose of trafficking Fentanyl and trafficking Fentanyl in Whitehorse, Yukon.

R. v. O.A.

(Calgary, Q. B. ).   OA was charged with unlawful confinement and sexual assault in Calgary. This case was exceptionally well prosecuted.

R. v. R.W.

(Calgary, P. C. ). R. W. was charged with possession for the purpose of trafficking cocaine and possession for the purpose of trafficking Ketamine.

R. v. M.J.

(Didsbury, P. C. ).  M. J. was charged with operating a motor vehicle with blood alcohol exceeding the legal limit and impaired driving.

R. v. D.L.

(Canmore, P. C. ). A judicial stay of proceedings was granted in the case of D. L.

R. v. J.T.T.

(Calgary, P. C. ).   JTT was the lucky recipient of  a stay of proceedings in a case of possession for the purpose of trafficking cocaine (PPT).

R. v. D.K.

(Okotoks, P. C. ).   David Chow secured the withdrawal of an allegation of sexual assault in a domestic context for his client.

R. v. M.S.

(Calgary, P. C. ).  M. S. was acquitted on impaired driving and refusing to provide a breath sample.

R. v. B.C.

(Calgary, P. C. ). Calgary drug lawyer, David Chow, secured a verdict of not guilty for trafficking meth to an undercover police officer.

R. v. C.F.

(Calgary, P. C. ).   David Chow is a Calgary domestic violence lawyer who secured the withdrawal of the charges for C. F.

R. v. J.L.

(Calgary, P. C. ). David Chow is a Calgary DUI lawyer, who defends cases throughout Alberta.   In J. L.

R. v. M.H.S.

(Cardston, P. C. ).   MHS was charged with multiple possession for the purpose of trafficking cocaine charges arising from a police investigation in the Cardston area.

R. v. R.A.

(Canmore, P. C. ).  David Chow secured the withdrawal of charges for his client accused of simple possession of cocaine.