R. v. C-L.C.

(403) 452-8018

R. v. C-L.C.

(Airdrie, P.C.).  Calgary criminal lawyers often appear in jurisdictions outside of the City of Calgary.  David Chow is not only a Calgary criminal lawyer, he is an experienced Airdrie Criminal Defence Lawyer. LC was charged with assault causing bodily harm arising from a serious incident arising on the streets of the City of Airdrie.  The assault was domestic in nature and thus the accused needed an experienced Airdrie domestic violence lawyer. The first trial in relation to this case occurred in 2018. At that trial the case was derailed in the midst of cross-examination and a mistrial was ordered.  The evidence from the first trial and its delay created additional issues and the case was eventually stayed. The lesson from LC s that a criminal defence lawyer must be prepared to be pursue all avenues of defence. David Chow is a Calgary domestic violence lawyer of choice who practices throughout the Province of Alberta. He is an Alberta criminal defence lawyer who routinely appears in the City of Airdrie. If you have been charged in Airdrie or anywhere in Alberta, call for a free telephone consultation.