
(403) 452-8018

calgary defence blog

A Defence lawyer's perspective on issues in criminal law

Please be aware that all commentary in my blog is designed to promote discourse on a variety of topics.  Though I certainly do some research on the topics discussed and often offer my "two-cents", please keep in mind that nothing I say in this blog is meant to be taken as authoritative on any subject.  My comments are really just me exercising my freedom of expression for the purpose of offering some insight on topics related to the practice of criminal law. As with all topics of discussion, it is important for you to be critical.  If you need a defence lawyer, please call 403.452.8018 for a free telephone consultation or consult with an experienced Calgary criminal lawyer. Happy reading!  Happy watching!

Better Safe than Sorry not always better Safe

swatting “Swatting” is defined as the action or practice of making a prank call to emergency services in an attempt to bring about the dispatch of a large number of armed…

Power in the Uniform

The story of Kenrick McRae’s interaction with Montreal Police is reported as “racial profiling”.

Coffee Thrower Assault in Saskatchewan

coffee thrower video CBC reported an incident supported by a video of Falgun Viviya being assaulted when another person threw coffee in his face.

Smoking Weed with your Boots On

SMOKING WEED WITH YOUR BOOTS ON Smoking weed with your boots on illegal?  The opening of the CTV News article: “Drinking a beer in your cowboy boots is totally fine, but smoking…

Canada Day 101

a brief history of canada day It was not really until the early 80's that Canadians started to refer to the anniversary of July 1st, 1867 as Canada Day.

Taxing by Tickets - Abuse of the law?

In the first two-weeks of Calgary’s street sweeping program the City has issued over 19,000 tickets and towed approximately 260 vehicles.   https://www. google. ca/amp/s/beta. ctvnews. ca/local/calgary/2019/4/18/1_4386665.