
(403) 452-8018

calgary defence blog

A Defence lawyer's perspective on issues in criminal law

Please be aware that all commentary in my blog is designed to promote discourse on a variety of topics.  Though I certainly do some research on the topics discussed and often offer my "two-cents", please keep in mind that nothing I say in this blog is meant to be taken as authoritative on any subject.  My comments are really just me exercising my freedom of expression for the purpose of offering some insight on topics related to the practice of criminal law. As with all topics of discussion, it is important for you to be critical.  If you need a defence lawyer, please call 403.452.8018 for a free telephone consultation or consult with an experienced Calgary criminal lawyer. Happy reading!  Happy watching!

Legal Aid in Calgary

legal aid in calgary Almost every Calgary criminal lawyer accepts at least a few cases every year on Legal Aid.

The CRA E-Transfer Scam

The intention of today’s post is to provide some information to protect you from fraudsters.

Choose Wisely

I have websites on the Internet.   I rely on them to earn a living.

ALS Struck Down -- Thank you Mr. Sahaluk et al

It's about time!  How many thousands of people have been sacrificed to recognize the value of our Charter rights? After a long and costly battle, where Calgary DUI lawyers banned together…

Charter Rights Beyond the Courtroom

As a Calgary criminal defence lawyer I often find myself arguing broad principles before Judges, asking them to assiduously protect the Charter protected interests of the accused so that the…

Erika Tucker's Wicked Questionable Little Question.

Global News Columnist, Erika Tucker, recently posed an interesting question: Why don’t Alberta judge’s know the law?   http://globalnews. ca/news/2945530/travis-vader-verdict-robin-camp-controversy-why-dont-alberta-judges-know-the-law/   I offer some imperfect musings on this subject.

Will Calgary Be Paying the Mayor's Lawyers?

At a time when most Calgary taxpayers are reeling from a recession that hit hard and fast, there's a bit of upsetting news that points to a possible problem with…

The Real Impact of the Economy on Calgary Crime

Whenever times get bleak for Calgary we get inundated with articles like this, linking the depressed economy to increased crime rates and sowing more fear, which is the exact opposite…

Drugs, Guns, and More Talk of Calgary Gangs

It seems like there's a new story every week with the same basic details: Calgary Police track down someone who is allegedly involved in the illegal drug trade, then announce…