R. v. S.S.G.

(403) 452-8018

R. v. S.S.G.

(Calgary, P.C. - Impaired Driving/Over 80).  There are many Calgary criminal lawyers to choose from. David Chow is a Calgary criminal lawyer/Calgary DUI lawyer who is grateful for the opportunity to earn your business. SSG was charged with impaired driving and operating a motor vehicle with blood-alcohol over the legal limit. Similar to many DUI investigations, the case began with a roadside sample, culminating in the arrest of the accused. SSG clearly exercised s. 10(b) of the Charter by requesting a reasonable opportunity to retain and instruction without delay. Prior to providing an evidentiary breath sample, SSG was in the process of trying to contact a lawyer. It was around 2AM and thus connecting with a lawyer was difficult. Notwithstanding SSG's legitimate, good faith efforts, the police interrupted SSG's attempt to connect with counsel, stating that sufficient time was afforded.  The police were aware that SSG was in the process of diligently calling a lawyer.  For the purpose of right to counsel, the accused must reasonably diligent in exercising the right. At trial, the breath evidence was excluded and SSG was acquitted due to a breach of s. 10(b) right to counsel.  David Chow routinely successfully litigates criminal cases on the basis of Charter breaches.  If you are looking for a Calgary defence lawyer who has actually run hundreds of trials, including complex cases involving guns, drugs and violence, call for a free consultation.