R. v. H.C.
R. v. H.C.
(Calgary, P.C.). Client was charged with a trust fraud. A fraud constitutes any situation where the accused intentionally puts the financial interests of the complainant at risk. A "trust" situation is one that involves a relationship of trust; such as a relationship between an employer and employee. A relationship of trust arises because one party has confidence in the other, thus making that party more vulnerable to the actions of the person with whom he or she has a trust relationship. The penalty for a trust fraud is often a period of actual incarceration. In HC's case, after problems with the Crown's evidence was exposed on the first day of trial -- through vigorous cross-examination by HC's Calgary fraud lawyer, a plea bargain was struck such that the client would receive no criminal record. It is not unusual for deals to made mid-way through a trial. If you are researching Calgary criminal lawyers on the Internet to defend a trust case (such as a theft, fraud or any other charge), call David Chow for a free consultation. David Chow is a former Calgary crown prosecutor who has defended the entire spectrum of criminal offence, including fraud.