Now it's not just the real Calgary Police Service you need to watch out for.

(403) 452-8018

Now it's not just the real Calgary Police Service you need to watch out for.

Now it's not just the real Calgary Police Service you need to watch out for. According to a story in the Calgary Herald, a pair of individuals was recently arrested for posing as Calgary Police officers, pulling vehicles over, and then robbing the occupants.

I must admit to a temptation to make light of this matter (a series of, "When the real Calgary Police rob you…" jokes, perhaps), but it is truly a major public safety concern.

Much as I believe they overstep their bounds much to the detriment of our city and society, law enforcement officers play an important role in our democracy. Not being able to trust who is or isn't an officer—let alone whether or not an officer is acting in accordance with the law, or whether those laws are in our best interests—is a major problem.

So, Calgary, pay attention: you can always call 9-1-1 if you're uncertain if the vehicle flashing its lights behind you is a Calgary Police Service vehicle or not. You can keep your windows rolled up and your door locked, and ask anyone purporting to be a Calgary Police officer for proper identification.

That last one is key, so I'll say it again: you can ask anyone claiming to be a Calgary Police Officer for identification. Police officers are required to show you this identification when asked, as long as there aren't any circumstances threatening their or your safety, so don't argue, don't fight, just ask to see ID before you comply with their requests.

And if you end up needing a criminal defence lawyer, you can always give me a call.