Calgary Criminal Lawyers


(403) 452-8018
80+ 5-Star Google Reviews
20+ Years of Criminal Defence Experience
500+ Successful Cases

David Chow, a Calgary criminal lawyer and roadside sanctions lawyer (IRS).

"Don't blindly trust a website or an advertisement (including this one). Any lawyer can sell you online, not every lawyer can properly defend a case". 

I am a criminal defence lawyer and roadside sanctions lawyer. This means that I defend people who are accused off committing offences contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada. I also defend people sanctioned under the Provincial Administrative Penalties Act (roadside sanctions).  Please understand, I am not a divorce lawyer, corporate counsel, immigration lawyer or a civil litigator (a lawyer who sues). I do not offer notarization services. My law practice is focussed ONLY in the fields of criminal defence and roadside sanctions.  Please understand, if you are not charged with a crime or facing a roadside sanction, I am not the lawyer for you.

My office line does not accept text messages. Please call and leave a message, but do not text message.  

Hiring the right criminal defence lawyer might be the most important decision you ever make. Do not make your decision hastily or without reasonably considering your choice of counsel. The role of defence counsel is multifaceted. A good defence lawyer is not only educated in law and process, he or she must also be an experienced legal strategist who respects the presumption of innocence, Charter rights, the accused's personal and legal jeopardy and the client's financial situation. Even competitively priced legal representation can be expensive. It does not need to be unnecessarily so. Many cases can be resolved without a criminal record in a manner that mitigates the impact on your wallet.

The best criminal defence lawyers will consider all available options to bring achieve a positive outcome for your case. This includes advising you about diversion programs, resolution options and of course, if necessary, trial. 

David Chow is a full service Calgary criminal lawyer and Immediate Roadside Sanctions Lawyer. David offers a free initial telephone consultation.

Calgary Defence Lawyer

David is a calgary defence lawyer with over 20 years of experience

If you need a criminal defence lawyer, let David Chow put his unique perspective, skill and experience to work for you.  He has over 20 years of experience and a reputation for winning. Though there may be exceptions, the best criminal defence lawyers generally rely on a combination of experience, knowledge, imagination and strategic savvy in defending their client's best interest.  

The practice of criminal law is not only a legal process, it is a human process.  As a practice acutely impacted by human frailty, it is important to keep in mind that our criminal justice system is far from perfect. Every player in the criminal justice system is tainted by their life experiences and social outlook. Though some think judges and adjudicators are purely objective decision-makers, governed by solid logic, reason, common sense and the law, the fact is that the exact same case can be prosecuted, adjudicated and defended very differently from person-to-person.  Notwithstanding that experience should not be the determining factor in your choice of counsel, it is worth noting that the more experienced the lawyer, the more likely it is that the lawyer has encountered a situation similar to yours and therefore will be better able to strategize your case.  Of course, experience is not the only factor: intelligence, creativity, knowledge and motivation are also incredibly important. 

Keep this in mind in your search for the best criminal lawyer for you.

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Alberta Immediate Roadside Sanctions Lawyer

"In December 2020 the Alberta Government introduced new Provincial impaired driving legislation that in the view of this Alberta criminal lawyer, seriously erodes due process".

In December 2020, Roadside sanctions were introduced by the Alberta Government to combat impaired driving. Rather than prosecuting alleged impaired drivers using the criminal law, the Government created an administrative/regulatory model that favours the State. For example, police evidence is deemed to be under oath. By operation of legislation introduced by the Alberta Government in August 2023, SafeRoads is permitted by law to be non-transplant.  While adjudicators routinely view police with a halo of reliability and credibility, to the point of speculating to fill in gaps in their evidence, a massive number of SafeRoads decisions arguably reflect a clear bias against the motorist. Constitutional protections have been neutered.  While the criminal law is certainly far from perfect, it strives to pay homage to the truth. SafeRoads is, in the view of this criminal lawyer, a process where there is little regard for the truth. After all, why would the Government actively resist providing video in SafeRoads cases where the motorist disagrees with the police officer?  Why do adjudicators consistently interpret facts against a motorist knowing that there is evidence in the possession the State capable of resolving the fact at issue? 

Served with a Notice of Administrative Penalty (NAP)? To dispute your fine, vehicle seizure and driving suspension as result of Immediate Roadside Sanctions (IRS) call for a free consultation. David Chow is a Calgary DUI lawyer and Alberta Roadside Sanctions lawyer who is prepared to help you at a reasonable price.  Remember, if you have been served a Notice of Administrative Penalty, time is of the essence -- you only have 7 days to file your dispute. An impaired driving charge or a roadside sanction can result in catastrophic personal consequences (such as loss of employment, high insurance premiums and the inability to properly care for your family). 

Hire the Right Defence Lawyer (Choosing Wisely)

"The best Calgary criminal defence lawyer is the one that you have retained only after exercising all due diligence. Research online but be cautious. Interview but listen. My advice, choose a lawyer, not a salesman or a friend. I wish you all the best".

David Chow defends all criminal cases.

This includes all crimes of violence (such as domestic assault, threats, homicide), impaired driving (including Roadside Sanctions), firearms offences, property crimes (theft, fraud, possession of stolen property) and administrative offences (failing to appear, breaching bail conditions). 

There are many good defence lawyers in Calgary to choose from. The margin from one defence lawyer to another may be as little as the person who is right for you. While some defence lawyers are very good, they may be aloof, dismissive or difficult to communicate with. Some clients have no issue speaking to a legal assistance, while others want more direct contact. For sure, there are also many lawyers practicing in criminal law who may not be well suited for this type of work. Unless you have a specific experience with a lawyer, deciding who to hire could be a daunting task.

My advice, do not be easily sold. Any lawyer who claims to be the best, is probably not the best. Do not be pursued by websites claiming to rank the best criminal lawyers (including any websites ranking me). None of these websites necessarily reflect the best criminal defence lawyers.

Before you hire me, understand that I prioritize clients based on the nature of their upcoming court appearance. This means that if I am in trial, that client receives my full attention. I can also be quite blunt and might tell you things that you don't want to hear. Some potential clients do not appreciate this practice style.

I wish you all the best in your search.




Hi David,
Is it possible to leave a review for your website that is not publicly linked to my name?
David is an exceptional lawyer who successfully won my IRS Fail case, even though multiple other lawyers shied away from taking it on because they believed it was too difficult and the odds were not in my favor. Where others saw a lost cause, David saw an opportunity to fight for justice. His extensive experience as a former Crown Prosecutor gave him unique insights and strategies that I would have never thought of, allowing him to implement a winning defense. He answered my calls promptly, never rushed our consultations, and treated me with dignity and respect throughout the entire process. His expertise, dedication, and commitment truly exceeded my expectations. I highly recommend David to anyone facing a tough legal challenge.
Thankful client. 
- R.K.K.

David Chow was absolutely the very most informative and understandable to the average person. Kept you up to date on circumstances 100%

- R.S.

Mr. Chow treated me with kindness and respect. I would highly recommend him for your legal issues. My case was solved in a timely and very beneficially manner in my favour. Not too many attorneys are this well versed in the criminal system.

- R.B.

Recent Case Results

SafeRoads v. D.S.

SafeRoads v. D.S.

(SafeRoads Alberta - Care or Control). In DS's case, police observed a vehicle running in a private driveway and when police approached, the occupant was sleeping. The vehicle was parked in the occupant's domestic partner's driveway. ...
R. v. M.H.M.M.

R. v. M.H.M.M.

(Calgary Court of Justice - Mischief). The lesson relating to MH's case is that even when the accused has a very strong case, the risk of conviction combined with the trial fees often drives resolution. ...
R. v. H.Y.M.

R. v. H.Y.M.

(Calgary Court of Justice - Section 11(b)). HM was charged with traffic infractions arising from a head-on, fatality collision. The original jurisdiction of the Court was at the Strathmore Court of Justice, but after two trials, adjourned due to no fault of the accused, the case was moved to Calgary. ...

Calgary Defence Blog

A Defence lawyer's perspective on issues in criminal law

The Culture of Broken Promises

Canada has now been snapped into election season. In just a short few weeks Canadians will go to the polls to cast a vote for our new Prime Minister and Governing Party. ...

In a word: Kind

About a week after Justice Brian Stevenson adjourned court for his final time (after 50 years on the bench), I was saddened to learn about the passing of Judge Gary Cioni – today, Alberta’s second longest serving Judge. https://calgaryherald. remembering. ca/obituary/judge-gary-cioni-1092476110 To describe Judge Cioni in a word: “kind”. ...