Calgary Criminal Lawyers


(403) 452-8018

Some Cases handled by Calgary Criminal Lawyer, David Chow

Cases presented here are only some of the cases handled by David Chow. All cases use lettering to protect the identity of the client for solicitor-client privilege purposes. The case lettering does not necessarily reflect the client's actual initials.  David has successfully defended many clients not represented here. Case results are updated periodically and thus are not necessarily up-to-date.   

A good reason to review the posted cases handled by David Chow is to learn some legal principles about an actual case and how that particular case was handled.

R. v. G.S.S.G.

(Calgary Court of Justice - Refusing to blow).

R. v. B.N.B.

(Calgary Court of Justice - Domestic Violence). NB was charged with a pair of domestic charges arising out of two separate incidents. The allegations were assault and choking.

R. v. Z.C.

(Calgary, Court of Justice - Mischief). This was a fairly minor property damage case alleged against an accused who had no prior criminal record.

SafeRoads v. K.H.

(Alberta SafeRoads - Notice of Administrative Penalty/NAP). KH was issued a roadside sanction for impaired driving.

R. v. F.J.F.

(Calgary, P. C. - Causing a Disturbance/Aeronautics Act). JF was charged as a result of disagreement with flight staff at the Calgary Airport.

R. v. J.C.

(Calgary, P. C. - Possession of drugs). JC was charged with simple possession of fentanyl and methamphetameme/crystal meth.

R. v. P.R.P.

(Calgary, P. C. - Domestic Assault). RP is another domestic assault charge that was resolved prior to trial.

R. v. S.D.

(Calgary, P. C. - Domestic Assault). In Canadian criminal law, an "assault" is essentially an intentional non-consensual touching by the accused of another.

R. v. T.P.

(Calgary, P. C. - Harassment and Breach). TP was charged with criminal harassment and breaching bail conditions in relation to allegations violating an area restriction and following the complainant.

R. v. A.A.K.

(Calgary, P. C. - Criminal Harassment). AAK was charged with criminal harassment in relation to a former intimate partner.

R. v. L.D.L.

(Calgary, P. C. - Breach of Bail). Judicial Interim Release or bail is one of the most important components of Canada's criminal justice system.

R. v. D.K.

(Calgary, P. C. - Domestic Assault).

R. v. J.H.H.

(Alberta SafeRoads - Notice of Administrative Penalty).  There are many Roadside Sanctions Lawyers in Alberta to choose from.

R. v. J.O.

(Cochrane P. C. - Uttering Threats). Uttering threats is perhaps one of the most commonly charged offences under the Criminal Code.

R. v. K.K.A

(Calgary, P. C. - Assault Causing Bodily Harm). KKA was charged with assault causing bodily harm arising from an alleged attack in a parking lot in Calgary.