Calgary Criminal Lawyers
Some Cases handled by Calgary Criminal Lawyer, David Chow
Cases presented here are only some of the cases handled by David Chow. All cases use lettering to protect the identity of the client for solicitor-client privilege purposes. The case lettering does not necessarily reflect the client's actual initials. David has successfully defended many clients not represented here. Case results are updated periodically and thus are not necessarily up-to-date.
A good reason to review the posted cases handled by David Chow is to learn some legal principles about an actual case and how that particular case was handled.
R. v. B.C.B.
(Strathmore P. C. - Impaired Operation/Over 80). Impaired operation of conveyance includes more than operating motor vehicle's on public roads; it can also include impaired operation of watercraft.
SafeRoads v. B.H.
(SafeRoads, Alberta - Roadside Sanctions/NAP/Refusal). BH was issued a roadside sanction for refusing to comply with a mandatory alcohol screening demand.