R. v. R.O.

(403) 452-8018

R. v. R.O.

(Calgary, P.C. - Assault Police Officer).  In this case, the client was charged with assaulting a peace officer, resisting arrest, simple assault, uttering threats and mischief.  Trial started and after issues raised in cross-examination, the Crown agreed to a conditional discharge.  As a result of the discharge, the client successfully avoided a criminal record.  In this case, the outcome was a massive reduction from the overall jeopardy of time in jail that was initially pursued by the Prosecutor. David Chow defended and won his first assault trial while he was a first-year law student.  Today, after having been called to the criminal bar since 2003, David's experience as a Calgary criminal lawyer has expanded exponentially.   Looking for a criminal defence lawyer in Alberta to defend your assault case? Call 403.452.8018.   Not guilty!