R. v. R.H.H.

(403) 452-8018

R. v. R.H.H.

(Calgary, P.C. - Domestic Assault). RHH was charged with domestic assault and uttering death threats in relation to an all things considered minor incident of a domestic nature. Many Calgary criminal lawyers understand that our justice system is more than guilt or innocence -- that is to say, there are shades of grey. Since there are shades of grey , justice system participants (Prosecutors, judges, defence lawyers and accused) are often well advised to address legal issues in the middle. The middle means understanding that in many instances there are paths to resolution that do not involve the extreme of a criminal record or a straight "not guilty" verdict.  Accused persons are not only balancing legal jeopardy, but often must pay close attention to their financial well-being. To that end, even where an accused may have a strong trial defence, the risk and cost of litigation may militate against this course of action. RHH had a good defence with some legal exposure. Initially, RHH pled not guilty and set the case for trial. However, as the trial neared the Prosecutor became more aware of the frailties in its case.  RHH decided not to risk conviction by accepting a plea bargain to a Peace Bond -- a non-criminal record disposition. This outcome benefitted RHH because it saved legal fees, guaranteed no criminal record  and relieved the stress of trial. A good criminal defence lawyer understands the legal options available and in David Chow's view, will never place his or her financial interests ahead of the client's best interests.  Sometimes this means pursuing options that will save the client money.