R. v. P.R.

(403) 452-8018

R. v. P.R.

(Calgary, P.C. - Domestic assault). PR was charged with assault arising out of an incident with an intimate partner. In criminal justice, every person's situation is unique. PR had some very unique and tragic background circumstances that led to mental health issues. In domestic assault cases, it is not unusual to resolve relatively minor cases in a manner that sees the accused avoid a criminal record, while at the same time mitigating legal fees.  In this case, the Prosecution quickly responded to the defence request to withdraw in exchange for a peace bond. The prosecutor was alive to PR's background issues. The peace bond was constructed to permit contact with PR's intimate partner but designed to offer PR necessary counselling to cope with the past.  

When you are searching for a competent criminal lawyer to handle any case, it is important to communicate background issues. Though it is possible that the background issues will not impact resolution (depending on the nature of the charge), your criminal defence lawyer should be aware of issues. It's better for your lawyer to be aware of the issue even if it will have little or no impact on the case than to be unaware of the issue and therefore unable to consider whether it will impact the case.

Defending a domestic assault charge requires that your lawyer be apprised of your unique personal circumstances. Domestic assault is sometimes that kind of allegation that can be resolves without a criminal record and without incurring unnecessarily high legal fees. It is important to keep in mind that every case is unique and every accused is unique. David Chow is a Calgary based domestic assault lawyer with offices in both Calgary and Cochrane.