R. v. N.M.M

(403) 452-8018

R. v. N.M.M

(Swift Current, P.C. - Tobacco Act). NMM was charged with both Tobacco Act and Excise Act charges arising out of an RCMP traffic stop on the Trans Canada Highway just in Swift Current. NMM was co-accused with another individual. Both accused were charged with possession of illicit cigarettes. Both counsel for NMM and the co-accused filed detailed Charter applications asserting a breath of the accused's s. 8 and 9 Charter rights. The case was set for trial. NMM was in many respects in the stronger defence position.  Prior to trial, the Crown agreed to non-criminal record disposition with respect to NMM's co-accused and withdrew the charges against NMM. Tobacco Act and Excise Act charged can carry extremely serious fines and possible jail. David Chow is an Alberta criminal defence lawyer who has successfully defended Tobacco Act, Excise Act and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act charges. David offers a free initial telephone consultation.