R. v. M.M.M.
R. v. M.M.M.
(Calgary, P.C. - Domestic Assault). MMM was charged with assault arising from a domestic incident. Domestic assault is a classification of assault that is defined as "domestic" because the occurrence arises out of a domestic relationship. A domestic arises includes husband/wife, brother/sister, parent/child ect. Domestic assault cases are considered by the Court to be more serious because the allegations arise out of a relationship of trust. In this case, the allegations against MMM were fairly trivial in nature; however, in light of the policy requiring police to separate the parties and charge, MMM was forced to defend the case in court. Fortunately, prosecutors have considerable discretion and in Calgary, most have a sense of fairness with respect to handling criminal cases. On behalf of MMM the defence approached the Crown about resolving the case without a criminal record. Fortunately, the Crown exercised its discretion in MMM's case by agreeing to withdraw the charges in exchange for a peace bond. A peace bond is non-criminal record disposition that generally results in the withdrawal of charges if the accused agrees to participate in counselling. MMM's charges were withdrawn. The accused was returned home to the family. Though the charges were withdrawn, the public confidence in the administration of justice was assisted because MMM was required to do counselling. Learning to communicate and to navigate the difficult nuances of a domestic relationship has a positive impact on the family unit and society as a whole. David Chow is a Calgary domestic assault lawyer who will look into every option to resolve a case without his client obtaining a criminal record. He will also do while being sensitive to the client's financial situation. Call for a free consultation.