R. v. L.N.N.

(403) 452-8018

R. v. L.N.N.

(Calgary, P.C. - Theft Under).  LNN was charged with theft under $5000 (shoplifting). Shoplifting is usually one of the simplest cases handled by criminal defence lawyers. Generally, the alleged shoplifter has no criminal record and the value of goods alleged stolen or alleged attempted stolen is quite low. If you have been charged in Calgary it is very likely that your criminal defence lawyer will evaluate the case for defences while at the same time pursuing resolution by withdrawal (if there is no reasonable prospect of conviction) or Alternative Measures (if there is a reasonable prospect of conviction). Explained simply, "Alternative Measures" (AMP) is a diversion program designed to give persons who not been previously charged with a criminal offence a second chance. Completing AMP usually involves a donation, community services, an apology letter or all of the above. If the program is completed, the charge is withdrawn. LNN was diverted to the Alternative Measures Program and the charge was ultimately withdrawn. Charged with theft, possession of stolen property or a property offence? Contact an experienced Calgary criminal lawyer for a free consultation.