R. v. K.W.W.

(403) 452-8018

R. v. K.W.W.

(Strathmore P.C. - Criminal Harassment). KW was charged with criminal harassment arising from civil law dispute.  Unlike criminal law, civil law concerns legal matters involving private relationships between individuals or companies. Civil law includes torts, employment law matters and contract disputes. David Chow only practices in the field of criminal defence and roadside sanctions law. Therefore, David Chow is not qualified to give legal advice in fields outside of his practice area. Occasionally, there is an overlap between private legal matters and criminal law.

In KW's case, the allegations of criminal harassment were not well grounded.  While the accused may have been generally unpleasant, perhaps annoying, the fact is that the accused had a right to pursue its legal interests.  In the view of this Alberta criminal defence lawyer, it is improper to weaponize criminal law to advance private interests. In my opinion, there was no reasonable prospect of criminal conviction in KW's case. This was brought to the prosecution's attention almost immediately after reviewing disclosure. "Disclosure" is the evidence that the Crown must provide to the defence prior to the accused having to make decisions about his or her case.

Ultimately, KW's case was withdrawn by the Crown.

David Chow has successfully handled at least several dozen criminal harassment cases. Criminal harassment is becoming one of the more common charges laid in criminal cases. If you have been charged with criminal harassment, it is important to seek advice from a qualified criminal defence lawyer.  A criminal record can have profound and lasting consequences.