R. v. K.M.A.

(403) 452-8018

R. v. K.M.A.

(Calgary, P.C. - Murder). David Chow was part of the defence team for an accused in Court when the Crown stayed murder charges against three-men at the start of a preliminary inquiry on February 8th, 2020. When a stay is directed by the Crown, it has 12 months to revive the case. Outside Court, the Crown acknowledged that the case “could” be revived; stating: “there’s always a chance”.  A “stay” is appropriate where there is a reasonable prospect that the proceedings may be reinitiated. It is not unusual for the Crown to stay a charge to permit police the opportunity to reinvestigate matters that were previously unforeseen. Therefore, a stayed charge can be revived if the Crown or Police uncover new evidence that was either not available at the time the original prosecution was initiated or in circumstances where the new evidence was unforeseen.   In the opinion of this  Calgary criminal lawyer, there is a reasonable concern that charges may be reinitiated. David Chow is a full service criminal defence lawyer in Alberta.  David has successfully defended many homicide cases. If you or a loved one are looking for a criminal lawyer to defend a murder case, the stakes are extremely high. Don't settle for just anybody -- be diligent and find the right lawyer.  This means that you must speak to many defence counsel and weigh your options.