R. v. J.J.

(403) 452-8018

R. v. J.J.

(Calgary, Q.B.) Charges against the accused for possession for the purpose of trafficking approximately 10 pounds of cannabis were stayed by the Crown. The prosecution was troubled on a number of fronts, including witness issues and Constitutional issues revolving around arbitrary detention and reasonable grounds.  For the purpose of successfully defending a case, David Chow is a firm believer in the principle of Occam's Razor -- "the path of least resistance is the path worth taking". Defending drug charges is not easy.  However, sometimes by filing a detailed Charter Notice, bringing issues to the attention of the Crown and pressing firmly for the withdrawal of charges before litigating the case, an accused can completely avoid any risk of conviction.  This approach often saves the client legal fees. For an experienced Calgary drug lawyer committed to executing a proven device that is considerate of your bottom line, call 403.452.8018.