R. v. F.V.G.

(403) 452-8018

R. v. F.V.G.

(Calgary, P.C. - DUI/ALS Appeal).  The case of FVG involved both the scheduling of an impaired driving trial and an ALS hearing.  The criminal charges against FVG were stayed by the Crown and later, after a full written argument presented to the Alberta Transportation Safety Board, the administrative license suspension was set aside. On December 1st, 2020 the law in Alberta underwent some modification with the new SafeRoads adjudicative model.  Today, the p0lice have incredible discretion to charge DUI  offences by way of the criminal law or penalize pursuant to the Provincial Administrative Penalties Act (PAPA 2020). Though PAPA 2020 confers many evidentiary advantages on the government, this Alberta roadside sanctions lawyer has learned that the law also permits some evidentiary shortcuts to the penalized motorist. Under the SafeRoads adjudicative model, the adjudicator only has the power to cancel or confirm the notice of administrative penalty. If you are looking to hire an impaired driving lawyer  in Alberta or a lawyer to defend against immediate roadside sanctions, call me for a free telephone consultation. Though I offer competitive and affordable rates, the fact is, lawyers are not inexpensive, so it is very important for you to choose the criminal defence lawyer who is right for you.  Good luck.