R. v. B.P.
R. v. B.P.
(Calgary, YC). B.P. was charged with sexual assault, along with another youth. The Crown took a fairly position in sentence, seeking a period of probation with a criminal record. Though a criminal record for a first time young offender is not permanent, its existence could nevertheless have had an impact on the young offender's future prospects. The Defence successfully applied for a conditional discharge, which effectively gave BP a better chance at his early prospects. A conditional discharge is a sentence where the judge finds the accused guilty, but reasons of public interest, does not registered the conviction permanently.. Unlike absolute discharges, conditional discharges are buttressed by a probation order. The offender must complete the terms of the probation order to receive the benefit of the discharge. David Chow is a criminal lawyer in Calgary who defends sexual assault. Call 403.452.8018 for a free telephone consultation.