R. v. B.E.E.

(403) 452-8018

R. v. B.E.E.

(Turner Valley, P.C.).  This client was charged with assault causing bodily harm, assaulting a police officer and mischief to property. The assault police officer allegation was relatively minor but whenever an accused assaults an officer acting in the execution of duty the risk of jail increases. The assault causing bodily harm occurred as a result as a domestic incident, as did the mischief.  As a Calgary domestic violence lawyer, David Chow has handled a wide-variety of cases and has learned that most incidents handled by our criminal justice system are truly individualized. No matter how serious the allegation it is not unusual for members of the community to galvanize in support of the accused. In this case, the community (included the complainants) recognized that BEE had been struggling for a long time with obviously very difficult personal and emotional circumstances. As a result, the case was resolved with the support of the Prosecutor, complainants and ultimately the support of the judge in a manner that focussed on rehabilitation. David Chow is not only a Calgary domestic violence lawyer, he is a full service Alberta criminal lawyer who appears in Turner Valley. Call for a free telephone consultation.