R. v. B.B.

(403) 452-8018

R. v. B.B.

(Calgary, P.C. - Impaired Driving and At/Over 80).  Since 2020, there are very few "criminal impaired driving cases" prosecuted in Alberta.  Today, Alberta utilizes what it is in this Calgary criminal lawyer's opinion, a more "Star Chamber" type of process, called Immediate Roadside Sanctions. The Star Chamber was established in the 15th Century. It became synonymous with social and political oppression. In this case, BB was in some respects fortunate as thec charge  was not a roadside sanction, it was under the criminal law.  Had BB's case been strictly enforced under the Notice of Administrative Penalty procedure, the clear Constitutional infringements under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms would have almost certainly have been ignored -- as they almost always are by adjudicators. BB successfully defended the case and did not obtain a criminal record. Charged with impaired driving or looking down the barrel of a roadside sanction? Call a qualified Calgary driving lawyer. David Chow offers a free consultation.