R. v. A.M.

(403) 452-8018

R. v. A.M.

(Calgary, P.C.).  Client charged with seven allegations of breaching bail.  The underlying bail concerned serious allegations of assaulting police.  Client was released after a contested application.  Even though it can be prosecuted summarily, assaulting a police officer is considered one of the more serious offences in the Criminal Code of Canada because if a person poses a risk to armed law enforcement, they pose a more significant risk to the unarmed public. Despite the seriousness of the allegation, it is important to remember that at the stage where AM ran his bail hearing, it was an "allegation" only. He was presumed innocent of all of the charges and that presumption is never displaced until such time as the Crown proves the case beyond a reasonable doubt -- either by way of a guilty plea or discharging its onus at trial. David Chow is a Calgary Bail Lawyer with a proven history of securing judicial interim release for his clients. For a free consultation call 403.452.8018. David is a full spectrum Alberta criminal defence lawyer, DUI lawyer and drug lawyer.  Looking for a bail lawyer in Calgary? Call David Chow.