R. v. A.G.G.

(403) 452-8018

R. v. A.G.G.

(Calgary, P.C. - Assault with a Weapon). AGG was charged with assault arising out of incident involving an allegation of assault with a golf club.  Since AGG was a senior with a limited income, who appeared to have been targeted by some aggressive individuals, David Chow decided to handle much of AGG's case on a pro bono basis. The case was built upon both eyewitness evidence and video/audio evidence depicting the incident. After having reviewed the video, it appeared that notwithstanding that AGG had a credible self defence claim, it was also clear that there was a danger of conviction. In cases like this it is very important for the criminal defence lawyer to pursue options outside of a risky trial. Every experienced defence lawyer in Alberta understands that trial is always a risky and uncertain process; for it depends upon many factors outside the control of the accused or the defence lawyer.  AGG did not plead guilty, but accepted enough responsibility for admission in the Alternative Measures Program (AMP - a diversion program). David Chow is a Calgary criminal lawyer who will explore every available option, included options that may reduce legal expenses. In AGG's case, AMP not only resulted in the withdrawal of the charge but also seriously mitigated AGG's legal fees.