R. v. A.D.

(403) 452-8018

R. v. A.D.

(Calgary, P.C.) Calgary drug lawyer, David Chow, secured a not guilty outcome relative to possession for the purpose of trafficking cocaine. This case was unique for for a number if reasons, including the Charter Notice filed for late disclosure and non-disclosure of material information that caused delay in the proceedings. The defence cross examined Crown witnesses about delay causing disclosure policies. With respect to disclosure, it is important to remember that the State has a massive amount of resources at its disposal: police, Crown, judges, sheriffs, technology and money.  In a drug case, the accused has his or her drug lawyer and disclosure. The disclosure is the great equalizer.  It is the disclosure that equips defence counsel for the tools to attack the case. Disclosure in a drug prosecution can be both voluminous and complex. What makes lawyers focused on drug defences good is that they have unique experience and know-how with respect to how the police investigate drug offences. David Chow is a proven Calgary drug lawyer. Call for a free consultation.