In a word: Kind

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In a word: Kind

About a week after Justice Brian Stevenson adjourned court for his final time (after 50 years on the bench), I was saddened to learn about the passing of Judge Gary Cioni – today, Alberta’s second longest serving Judge.

To describe Judge Cioni in a word: “kind”.

Judge Cioni retired in 2015 – then the longest serving Judge in Alberta history -- 44 years.  He was then 75 years old.

His last words from the bench: “As they say on the Muppets, it’s a wrap”.

Judge Cioni was appointed a few years before Alberta’s now longest serving judge (Brian Stevenson). Like Justice Stevenson, Judge Cioni not only presided over tens of thousands of witnesses and accused who entered his courtroom, but also the careers of so many lawyers, police, court administration and other judges.

Judge Cioni was a caring man, often taking the time to write condolences for the passing of his friends and colleagues. 

I had the pleasure of running many trials in Judge Cioni’s courtroom.  Though Judge Cioni had a reputation for taking his time, I think I speak for all who appeared before him when I say that his judgments were more often than not, time well spent.

It’s hard for me to imagine that Judge Cioni was appointed before I was born.  He was one of the kindest, most gentle people that I have ever met.  As I reflect on Judge Cioni, I can’t help but think of the many others who are today lost to the Calgary criminal bar.

Goodbye Judge Cioni, you are missed.

David Chow